Category Archives: 2.5 years

Favourite things for our favourite teachers

I first learned this poem by Usman Awang as a young student in Malaysia.  As it turns out, the school’s Parent Support Group asked me to add a video message in Malay to our teachers tribute this year, so I read excerpts from this to them. As we celebrate Teachers’ Day (and for some of us, “enjoy” our kids’ day off), let’s remember the wonderful teachers who serve as our kid’s moms, dads and friends, who gently and patiently guide them along this journey of life.

Selamat Hari Guru
I’ve said it before, B’s been blessed with great teachers since he started half-day preschool and subsequently, extended to full day childcare this year. In our own random emergent discussions, we came up with these ways to thank them: “read books”, “give stickers/flowers/cars (of course),” “sing/video” and “eat mooncakes” (hmm).

So … we decided on three projects:
(1) A video greeting: Recorded at the Singapore Garden Festival

(2) Customised, hand-made thanksgiving trees: Given by the PSG on behalf of all parents and students to every teacher and staff

(3) Personalised bookmarks of B’s favourite things for his favourite teachers:
We decided on bookmarks as B loves to read, it complemented the special bookstore voucher (thanks, NoQ!) included in the PSG gift bags, and allowed B lots of fun, easy customisation.  It took us a few sessions as he kept wanting to add to it yet couldn’t sit and craft for more than 20-25 minutes each time.  I’m so proud of his excitement and commitment to see it through!
Here’s how we did it:  Cut out leftover, unused gift wrap in the desired bookmark shape and quantity. We stuck to rectangles as it’s easier for B to cut somewhat cleanly.  On coloured card stock, stamp out the teachers’ names, working with your kid to identify the right letters (upper/lowercase), align and stamp in order! Cut them out,  add double sided tape and stick them on top of the gift wrap paper.

WP_20140831_007At the back, we incorporated B’s favourite things: Art, stickers, cars 🙂 See if you can spot them all!

This artwork was done at Botanic Gardens. Actual veggies were cut, painted and stamped for the flowers. He finger/brush painted the rest and also tried painting a toilet paper roll tied with a rubber band to make the grassy “effect”

B insisted on adding his face, so we used extra copies of his mugshot, sticking again with double-sided tape so that it doesn’t get too wet or messy.  After that, we lined them up in the pouch and laminated them.  I cut them out, let him punch the holes and thread the ribbons through, applied silicone glue to seal the ribbons – and viola!

Thanks for helping B grow, dear teachers!

For updates, reviews and more, like me at Finally Mama on Facebook.

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new's Fave Fridays

All children are artists

“Every child is an artist.
The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up. – Pablo Picasso

When B was about 4 months, I attended my first early years parenting talk which shaped the environment that he grew up in. In his first 2 years, we did lots of art and craft together involving  colourful, sensory, tactile, messy play with repurposed household items, nature and art materials. In fact, we’d often encourage other friends to join us, and hosted quite a few messy artsy-crafty playdates at our outdoor balcony area.  B loved it!

B's first art playdate @ 6 months
First art playdate at 6 months

After B turned 1.5 years, we trialed a few art classes that introduced different techniques, styles, materials, et al. He liked the more freestyle, mixed media sessions and not when someone had to help or told him how to “do art” (i.e. proper use of watercolours, brushes, etc). He’s just your normal stubborn independent tot, I guess.

First (trial) art class at 18 months

So we joined a local parent accompanied toddler art meetup group instead, where we had messy fun indoors and outdoors, learnt a few artsy things, and collected enough pieces to start our own “art wall” at home by the time he turned 2.

Our art wall!
Our art wall after 2 years

Continuing this arts exposure was one of my requirements when selecting his preschool.  Soon after he started nursery, B had a chance to showcase his work at his first art exhibit this weekend!

First art exhibit at 2.5 years
First art exhibit at 2.5 years, entitled “Building A City of Dreams”. The structures are “homes for my family” and “roads for cars.” His sold for S$88!

I hope B’s interest in art will continue to grow, and that he’ll have the dexterity and patience to learn and improve along the way. Of course, I don’t expect him to be a professional artist when he grows up but I’m glad art has given him a universal language to express himself and interpret the world around him; and also given us a fun, creative way to reinforce what he learns from a very early age.

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For updates, reviews and more, like me at Finally Mama on Facebook.

Flashback Friday to the good old days

There was no class today so mama and B spent the whole day together. It’s been a while since we had such a fun yet fruitful time, as B started nursery and we were on-and-off sick this month.  While I miss our homeschooling days last year, I’d forgotten how busy it can be if you really want to fully engage your kid.  Can’t wait for school to start again next week, grateful for good teachers, friends, and a preschool / child care center that doesn’t have a long holiday break like many international or MOE-calendar ones out there.

Letterland review
Letterland review
Art: Finishing the DIY craft from our National Museum visit
Art: Finishing the DIY craft from our National Museum visit
Drama: Outing to Central Library followed by Spot The Difference (awesome play) and lunch
Fine motor skills: Tracing, threading, sorting, counting, pretend play with DIY home manipulatives

And of course, our daily “music with mama” sessions, free play indoors (i.e. cars and blocks) and outdoors (i.e. playground) when mama was busy or needed a break 🙂

Pheew, TGIF!